Recent Projects
100% Appliances
I was tasked to lay up the art for the 100% Appliance store mailers. This involved dozens of different products set across many pages. All the photographs needed processing and clear cutting. Text had to be formatted correctly in keeping with brand guides. All turned around in a very fast time frame with great accuracy.
Also, I setup the art for static and animated HTML5 adverts for online promotion and web graphics.
I setup all the elements for this animated ad in Adobe Animate.
As well as setting up the art for the print version of the catalogue, I created a 3D render for use in promotional material
I setup the files to the correct specs for online ads
I setup all the elements for this animated ad in Adobe Animate.
Frooze balls USA launch
A campaign for the introduction of Frooze Balls into the United States. I photographed and retouched the product images; prepared the
packaging art for print; prepared art and 3D visuals to be used in printand online advertising.
Costco require visuals for products that come into their stores. I created this in 3D
A visual created in 3D for Costco
Created in 3D
Costco require visuals for products that come into their stores. I created this in 3D
Honda Cars NZ advertising
My work for Honda Cars NZ included preparation of art for digital and printed media, billboards and in-house displays.
I reworked the creative to fit various billboard dimensions
I reworked the creative to fit various billboard dimensions

SRW Product launch
I setup finished art for this new supplement brand, including leaflets, cartons, canisters, supporting collateral. For the launch event I created moving image visuals from the creative team’s concept art.